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vinyasa | hatha | meditation

“Influenced and inspired by nature, I devote my practice to what I believe to be the divine: the changing of the seasons, the miracle of life and death, the ability to love and be loved - woven together as nature moves all around us.”


Julien has been practicing yoga since 1997, she found a calling to the rituals of the physical work that resulted in a feeling of connection and respect for her body - something she had lacked in her life until that time. In 2008 Julien studied with Kathleen Hunt and Sheev Davis in Seattle at Samadhi Yoga, her passion for teaching classes began in 2009, Julien teaches from life experience with trauma, greif, letting go, rebirth, and playfulness.


She shares a feeling of empathy and openness with her students that allows each of them a sense of acceptance and self worth. She believes yoga can be messy, there is no perfect pose, and the journey is where the magic happens.  


Current Offerings:


M/W/F  6 - 7am Vinyasa Slow Flow (ZOOM)




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