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vinyasa | hathA | ashtanga | Yin

Alyssa began practicing yoga at 14 years old with a 30m VHS tape in their parent's living room, as a treatment for ED and body dysmorphia. When Alyssa moved to the city to study theatre at NYU in 2004, they were exposed to a broader context of yoga and movement in New York City. Alyssa began teaching formally in 2009 after taking a 200hr Yoga Alliance certified vinyasa training. They taught yoga full time in New York City for five years before heading west to teach and lead trainings in Wyoming and North Seattle. Upon settling in Seattle, Alyssa spent 4 years apprenticing with Troy Lucero of Acme Yoga project in Capitol Hill, studying ashtanga yoga, independent-study teaching practices, and hands-on assists. And in 2017 Alyssa co-founded The PRACTICE School of Magic with the intention to serve the growing community of folks who want to learn about yoga outside of the yoga studio industrial culture. 


Over the years, Alyssa has guided practice at yoga studios, gyms, schools, private homes & events, corporate offices, farms, treatment programs, and prisons.  Alyssa has been privileged to guide yoga with a wide variety of humans, identities and populations-  and continues to learn based on the invited feedback of those they serve. Alyssa strives to empower students to cultivate a personal practice from their own experiences and needs. As a yoga teacher, Alyssa hopes to offer options instead of answers, curiosity instead of limitations, and exploration instead of rigidity.   Alyssa takes a pragmatic approach to the magic of moving the body and guiding students through postures and experiences, while encouraging the growth of self compassion, self empowerment, self agency and self sovereignty.


Current Offerings:


SUN 9:30 - 11:00am ASHTANGA (ZOOM)



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